
Sunday, April 16, 2023

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Vitamin A Ki Kami Se Kaun Sa Rog Hota Hai || रतौंधी-Diseases

Vitamin A Ki Kami Se Kaun Sa Rog Hota Hai: रतौंधी-Night Blindness, Dry Eyes, Skin Problems, Vulnerability to Infections, Delayed Growth, Increased Risk of Cancer, Infertility, Poor Wound Healing, Weakness and Fatigue, and increased Risk of Death. To remain healthy, a balanced diet containing all the nutrients is essential. The deficiency of any nutrient may result in diseases. Vitamin A is a nutrient needed in a proper amount to remain healthy. Vitamin A deficiency may cause serious problems such as night blindness. Here is the question, which diseases are caused by Vitamin A deficiency? (Vitamin A ki kami se kaun sa rog hota hai). Its deficiency also affects other body parts like skin and hair, control growth and development, and wound healing, but the eye is badly affected by its deficiency. Vitamin A is crucial for keeping a healthy body. It is also necessary for the immune system. In the case of vitamin A deficiency, one may face different health issues. 

Vitamin A Ki Kami Se Kaun Sa Rog Hota Hai
Vitamin A ki kami se kaun sa rog hota hai

Vitamin A Ki Kami Se Kaun Sa Rog Hota Hai? (Which Diseases are caused by Vitamin A Deficiency)

In living a healthy life, vitamin A plays an important role. It helps in maintaining good health. But when any person suffers from a vitamin A deficiency, it causes many health issues. Now the question is which diseases are caused by Vitamin A deficiency? (Vitamin A ki kami se kaun sa rog hota hai). If Vitamin A is deficient, you can be a victim of these diseases.

i. Night Blindness: The first sign that may appear in humans for Vitamin A deficiency is Night blindness, the most commonplace symptom of a low level of vitamin A. It affects the ability to see in low-light conditions.

ii. Dry Eyes: Due to vitamin A deficiency, dryness and irritation of the eyes happen. Eyes become more susceptible to infections.

iii. Skin Problems: Some skin issues develop due to vitamin A deficiency, which are acne, rough skin, and dry, scaly skin.

iv. Vulnerability to Infections: Immune system of the body saves us from foreign invaders and keeps us healthy naturally. But in the case of Vitamin A deficiency, we are more vulnerable to infections resulting in Vitamin A deficiency diseases, especially respiratory tract infections. It is crucial in helping and stimulating the immune system.

v. Delayed Growth: Vitamin A also plays a vital role in growth and development. Stunted growth in children is a symptom of low levels of vitamin A.

vi. Increased Risk of Cancer: Vitamin A helps in preventing some cancers. However, its deficiency can boom the hazard of some cancers, including lung and breast cancer.

vii. Infertility: Vitamin A is crucial for us to keep us healthy, especially for females and children. In females, a low level of Vitamin A can cause problems with reproductive functions and might result in infertility.

viii. Poor Wound Healing: To remain healthy and fit, healing of the wounds after an injury is necessary. Vitamin A is also crucial for the growth of new tissues. In case of deficiency of this vitamin, there is a reduction in the body's potential to heal wounds resulting in multiplied infections

ix. Weakness and Fatigue: Another symptom of Vitamin A deficiency is weakness and fatigue.

x. Increased Risk of Death: Less than five years of children may easily be deficient in vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to an increased illness. All above-mentioned diseases are caused by a deficiency of Vitamin A? (Vitamin a ki kami se kaun sa rog hota hai).
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What is Vitamin A?

Vitamin A, a fat-soluble microelement, was first discovered in 1913. A single vitamin A molecule has four isoprene units arranged in a specific sequence. It keeps the immune system working efficiently, supports healthy bone growth and development, and ensures that skin remains protected. It also shields the skin from contaminants found in the environment.

Deficiency Symptoms of Vitamin A

These are the symptoms of vitamin A Deficiency:
  1. Dry and rough skin
  2. Eye infection
  3. Respiratory system and urinary system infections both in children and adults
  4. Delayed Growth and Development in Children
  5. In the dim light difficulty in seeing the objects

Causes of Vitamin A Deficiency  

How We Deficit in Vitamin A

The following are the causes of vitamin A deficiency:

  • One consumes fewer amounts of animal-based and plant-based food sources in daily life.
  • Infants whose mothers do not breastfeed may be vitamin A deficient because breast milk contains sufficient amounts of vitamin A to support the newborn.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding females are enormously prone to Vitamin A deficiency, as they need extra vitamins to help fetal improvement or lactation.
  • People with conditions like Crohn's disease or Cystic Fibrosis may have trouble absorbing Vitamin A properly, which could result in a deficiency.
  • As Vitamin A often found more in animal-based food, people who observe a vegetarian or vegan diet may have a better threat of deficiency.
  • The liver is liable for processing Vitamin A, so humans with liver disorders might struggle to maintain healthy Vitamin A levels.

Long-term Deficiency of Vitamin A

When the deficiency of this vitamin persists for a long time, it causes irreversible blindness and poor health outcomes. Pregnant females need a little more vitamin A than adult women because pregnant women and children are easily liable to Vitamin A deficiency. So to remain healthy nicely-balanced diet with enough Vitamin A is required.

 The working systems in the human body are the central nervous system, the digestive system, and the respiratory system along with other systems. Vitamin A helps their proper working. But in case of severe vitamin A deficiency, it harms these systems. To avoid vitamin A deficiency, we must take vitamin A-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, fish, eggs, and dairy products.

Pregnant Women and Children Having Vitamin A Deficiency

Vitamin A, called eye vitamin, is necessary for pregnant women and children. When the level of Vitamin A in the body turns low, it can bring about many health problems, such as dry eyes, pimples, breathing infections, or even blindness. Pregnant females and kids below five want adequate vitamin A because a deficiency of this vitamin can result in birth issues in women and different diseases in youngsters. But it is strongly recommended to take this vitamin after consulting with a registered healthcare provider. Overtaking and low levels of Vitamin A both result in different health issues.

How is Vitamin A Deficiency Treated?

The treatment of Vitamin A deficiency diseases is as follows. First, a registered healthcare provider diagnoses the deficiency of this vitamin. In addition to the symptoms of Vitamin A deficiency, registered healthcare providers or doctors diagnose its deficiency by getting the blood samples tested in the laboratory. They treat their patients with the recommended dose of supplements along with Vitamin A-rich foods. For improving vitamin A deficiency, animal and plant food sources rich in this vitamin have a role. The healthcare providers advocate the patient take vitamin A-rich food like eggs, milk, carrot, potato, papaya, yogurt, green leafy vegetables, unrefined cereals, and soya bean. Healthcare providers also advise taking dry fruits because these foods are a rich source of vitamin A. The nutrients found in these foods are easily absorbed and benefit us more than other supplements. In this way, diseases caused by Vitamin A deficiency? (Vitamin A ki kami se kaun sa rog hota hai) are treated.

Food Sources of Vitamin A

Vitamin A found in plants and animals

Plant Sources of Vitamin-A

Vitamin A Ki Kami Se Kaun Sa Rog Hota Hai
Vitamin A Ki Kami Se Kaun Sa Rog Hota Hai

1. Sweet Potatoes 

2. Carrots 

3. Spinach 

4. Kale 

5. Apricots 

6. Broccoli 

7. Papayas 

8. Red bell peppers 

9. Squash 

10. Mangoes

Animal Sources of Vitamin-A

1. Eggs 

2. Liver (goose, pork, lamb, beef, chicken, duck, and turkey) 

3. Fish (tuna, salmon, herring, and mackerel) 

4. Dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese, and butter) 

5. Cod liver oil 

6. Shrimp 

7. Oysters 

8. Crab 

9. Clams 

10. Beef 

11. Chicken breast 

12. Pork chops 

13. Lamb chops.

Eat These Things to Remove Vitamin A Deficiency

To remove the deficiency of vitamin A one must take balanced meals containing animal-based and plant-based food sources in definite proportion. To remove vitamin A deficiency while taking vitamin A-rich foods, one must follow the recommended guidelines of a healthcare provider.

Excessive Intake of Vitamin A

Overconsumption, as it may engender a plethora of deleterious indicators and manifestations pertaining to health maladies, such as nausea, cephalalgia, vertigo, emesis, impaired visual acuity, alopecia, and dermal irritation.

It is incumbent upon individuals to procure their requisite dosage of vitamin A from indigenous sources replete with natural nutrients, such as oviparous ova, lactiferous secretions, carotenoid-rich tubers like carrots and potatoes, tropical fruit specimens like papayas, cultured curd products, verdant foliage, whole grains in their unadulterated state, and soybeans. The nutrients found in these
sources are easily absorbed and better than supplements.


Vitamin A is crucial for all, particularly children under five years. It plays a role in maintaining normal vision, smooth skin, and a sturdy immune system functioning. Achieving a harmonious and balanced intake of vitamin A necessitates the consumption of both animal-derived edibles and plant-derived provisions that abound in substantial quantities of this vital nutrient. By conscientiously adhering to a well-rounded dietary regimen, we can effectively circumvent the perils of vitamin A insufficiency and ensure the optimal dose for the maintenance of a robust physiological state. Also, take meals and foods that are wealthy in Vitamin A. Consuming a balanced diet containing all the nutrients results in maintaining a healthful and balanced lifestyle. To make the immune system sturdy and protection from night blindness, Foods rich in all the nutrients are mandatory. Whereas, vitamin A deficiency may cause diseases (Vitamin A ki kami se kaun sa rog hota hai).

As usually recommended, go to a registered healthcare professional before making any nutritional changes or starting a new supplement routine.

Frequently Asked Questions  

Q. No. 1: What is the primary manifestation indicative of vitamin A deficiency?

The initial symptom often observed in individuals with a deficiency of vitamin A is nyctalopia, commonly known as night blindness.

Q. No. 2: How can I alleviate the deficiency of vitamin A?

Remedying vitamin A deficiency can be accomplished by incorporating into one's diet foods that are abundant in this essential nutrient. Examples of such foods include citrus fruits, carrots, various types of squash, liver, egg yolk, and fish liver oil.

Q. No. 3: Why is vitamin A crucial for our well-being?

Vitamin A holds significant importance in maintaining optimal bodily function. It plays a pivotal role in preserving eye health, facilitating immune system efficacy, supporting reproductive processes, and promoting growth and development.

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