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TMJ Ear Pain: Astonishing Facts, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis

TMJ Ear Pain: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders often manifest with ear pain as a primary symptom. These joints, which connect the lower jawbone to the skull, are situated beneath the ears on both sides of the head and serve as crucial sliding hinges for fundamental activities such as chewing, speaking, and yawning. Overuse, injury, or certain medical conditions can trigger inflammation, pain, and swelling related to TMD, potentially causing significant discomfort and impairing overall well-being. The complex network of muscles and nerves surrounding these joints also means that TMJ issues can lead to facial pain.
TMJ Ear Pain
TMJ Ear Pain

TMJ Ear Pain and TMJ: Relationship

The intensity of discomfort caused by TMJ ear pain can present a formidable task to manage. Ignoring the pain is not advised since it may impact one or both ears. The predominant etiology underlying such discomfort is often attributable to a dysfunction within the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This articular joint, responsible for connecting the cranium and mandible, is frequently abbreviated as TMJ. It joins the temporal bone of the skull to the mandible, or lower jaw, enabling the complex movements required for mouth opening, closing, and sideways or backward motion. Understanding why TMJ disorders affect the ear and the factors contributing to the pain can provide valuable insights into finding relief.

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How the Ear and Jaw Related

Similar to other anatomical regions such as the facial area, the ears are also under the control of muscles. The temporal bone, in proximity to the ear, is connected to the lower jaw or TMJ. Given their proximity, any disturbance that affects either structure can manifest in the other. Inflammation of the TMJ, which is located near the auditory canal, can lead to TMJ ear pain. Moreover, due to their indirect association, any trauma or impact on the jaw can have adverse effects on the ear. Dysfunctions in the TMJ musculature can exert undue pressure on the nerves and ears, resulting in pain.

Causes of TMJ Ear Pain

Pain in both the jaw and ear can have multiple underlying reasons.

The causes can be broadly classified into two factors: an underlying medical condition that affects the ear, jaw, or mouth or referred pain.

Referred pain is when pain is felt in one area of the body despite the actual source of pain being located elsewhere.

The proximity of the jaw and ear makes them susceptible to various conditions that can cause pain in both areas.

Common causes of pain in both the jaw and ear include dental issues, infections, TMJ disorders, and ear infections.

Other possible causes of this type of TMJ ear pain include sinus infections, sore throat, impacted wisdom teeth, and salivary gland problems. Some causes are discussed as:

1. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a potential cause of ear and jaw pain, as it comprises not only the jaw joint but also the surrounding muscles. The TMJ, located adjacent to the temporal bone, facilitates chewing and speaking movements, resulting in various directions of movement. TMJ disorders can cause inflammation and pain in this joint, with about 10 to 15 percent of adults experiencing this condition. The most prevalent indications of a TMJ disorder are facial pain and ear discomfort, and the condition is deemed chronic when these symptoms persist for over three months. TMJ disorders can develop due to natural wear and tear or due to an underlying medical issue. Although a doctor may presume a TMJ disorder, it is possible for other conditions like fibromyalgia, sleep apnea, anxiety, or depression to present comparable symptoms.

2. Degenerative Joint Disease: Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a frequent cause of discomfort in the ear and jaw area, as it impacts the TMJ by deteriorating the joint's cartilage over time. Furthermore, another common indication of this ailment is joint rigidity.

3. Psoriatic Arthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis are varieties of arthritis that arise from the immune system targeting sound joints. These ailments are categorized as autoimmune disorders. Pain in different areas of the body, including the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), can occur at various times. Certain triggers can exacerbate or intensify the pain.

4. Headache Disorder: Migraine

Jaw and ear pain, particularly around the TMJ area, can be a trigger for migraines. Migraine attacks are severe headaches that can recur and cause sensitivity to light, sound, and smell.

5. Swimmer’s Ear

A condition caused by the formation of bacteria in the outer ear from water exposure or injury can result in pain in the ear and jaw. This condition can be contracted from swimming or if an object outside the ear tears the lining. Neglecting treatment of the symptoms could exacerbate them and result in more severe ear and jaw pain.

6. Sinusitis

Inflammation and irritation of the nasal passages, prompted by cold or allergies, may give rise to sinusitis, a condition that manifests as pain in the ear and jaw. While commonly caused by viral agents, sinusitis can also stem from bacterial infections.

7. Dental Issues or Dental Pathologies or Dental Diseases.

Untreated bacteria buildup on teeth and gums can cause dental problems like cavities, gum disease, and abscesses, leading to harm beyond the mouth. Prompt attention to dental concerns is crucial to prevent complications such as jaw and ear pain. Neglecting to treat these conditions may result in complications that go beyond your mouth. It is crucial to manage any dental concerns promptly to prevent further harm. Jaw and TMJ ear pain are a few of the symptoms that may occur. It's essential to take care of any dental concerns immediately to prevent further complications. To prevent any further complications, it's crucial to address these dental concerns as soon as possible.

8. Teeth Grinding or Bruxism

Grinding your teeth can lead to a disorder known as TMJ and cause pain in your jaw and ears. This condition can:

Affect the alignment of your teeth, wear down your teeth, damage your TMJ, and strain your muscles

You might be unaware of grinding your teeth at night until you experience pain or other symptoms.

9. Malocclusion

Misalignment of teeth, also called malocclusion, or an improper bite, along with bruxism (teeth grinding), anxiety, and other emotional triggers, can generate comparable tension on these muscles, producing tenderness and pain that extends to the ear.

10. Fibromyalgia

The masseter muscle's trigger points trigger jaw discomfort while triggering points in the temporalis result in headaches in the temples, and trigger points in the sternocleidomastoid lead to neck and ear pain. TMD can induce these symptoms in individuals with fibromyalgia.

11. Mastoiditis:

Mastoiditis is a severe infection that impacts the mastoid process situated at the rear of the ear. It is more prevalent among minors and requires prompt diagnosis and management.

All above mentioned points are the causes of TMJ ear pain.

Symptoms Of TMJ Ear Pain

Ear and jaw discomfort is not a solitary indication of these ailments. Other symptoms may include: TMJ dysfunction, facial tenderness, pain while eating, jaw catching or locking, ringing in the ears, hearing impairment, neck and shoulder tenderness, misalignment and shifting of teeth, headaches, Arthritis, jaw swelling, Migraines, throbbing agony on one or both sides of the head, Ear popping, Swimmer’s ear, drainage, tenderness along the face and neck, hearing loss, itching, fever, Sinusitis, locked nasal passages, discharge that is green or yellow, sensitivity of the face, cough, headache, reduced ability to smell and taste, Cavities, periodontal disease, or dental abscesses, pain throughout the lower face and neck, pain that intensifies when lying down, swelling in the gums and face, loose or sensitive teeth, the sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks, fever and flu-like symptoms, Teeth grinding, tooth hypersensitivity, worn out teeth, facial and neck tenderness, headache, disturbed sleep.

TMJ Ear Pain on One Side

Tmj-related ear pain on one side can also arise due to different factors such as malocclusion, bruxism, inflammation, arthritis, or jaw injury. Moreover, it can additionally be a demonstration of different situations which includes ear infections, sinusitis, or migraines. Furthermore, trigger points inside the muscle groups across the jaw and neck may also cause pain. To develop an effective treatment plan, it is vital to get a precise prognosis from a healthcare expert.

TMJ Ear Pressure and Fullness

Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) are often the underlying cause of aural fullness, which is the main or sole complaint of some patients. Treatment for TMD can help alleviate or completely resolve the symptoms of aural fullness. Group I TMD patients typically benefit the most from physical therapy for treating aural fullness.

The duration of TMJ-related ear pressure can vary, ranging from a few minutes to several hours, or even several days, weeks, or months in some cases. It's important to note that leaving TMJ symptoms untreated can lead to chronic issues.


TMJ disorders or TMJ ear pain can be difficult to diagnose as the symptoms are similar to other medical conditions. TMJ dentists evaluate patients by taking detailed medical and dental histories and examining problem areas and signs of overuse. Recent dental surgeries, illnesses, injuries, and changes in mental health can lead to TMD. Dentists examine the jaw by listening to popping or clicking sounds, feeling for swelling, checking the ears, and examining the mouth for signs of bruxism. Diagnostic tools such as imaging are used to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment Options for TMJ Ear Pain

Treatments for jaw and TMJ ear pain can vary depending on the cause. TMJ, for example, may not always require treatment as a significant percentage of cases resolve on their own, while more severe cases may necessitate surgery. Other possible treatments include resting the jaw, using home remedies, taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication, wearing a brace or splint to limit jaw movement, or flushing the joint to reduce inflammation. Likewise, diverse maladies such as arthritis, otitis externa, and sinusitis that instigate discomfort in the ears and joints can be assuaged by pharmacotherapy that is custom-tailored to their distinctive symptoms. As an illustration, arthritis may be remediated with anti-inflammatory agents, otitis externa with corticosteroids, and sinusitis with intranasal sprays, in conjunction with alternative therapeutic modalities. Moreover, dental conditions encompassing caries, periodontitis, and periapical abscesses might necessitate interventions, including extraction, endodontic therapy, scaling, root planing, or other remedies, in conjunction with adjunctive modalities.

Natural Remedies

Here are some simple home remedies you can try for TMJ disorders or TMJ ear pain:
  • Consume more soft foods and avoid hard or chewy foods.
  • Stop chewing gum or biting on pens and pencils.
  • Take breaks to relax and rest your jaw muscles.
  • Apply warm or cold compresses to your jaw area.
  • Do jaw-stretching exercises such as slowly opening and closing your mouth.
  • Manage stress to reduce the tension in your jaw muscles.

These treatments may also be beneficial for other ear and jaw pain-causing conditions. Additionally, take good care of your dental health by following these steps:
  • Brush and floss your teeth regularly.
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Quit smoking to avoid bacterial buildup in your mouth.

TMJ Ear Pain Relief Exercises

It's not clear how TMJ exercises help with pain, but they might:
  • Make jaw muscles stronger
  • Stretch the jaw
  • Relax the jaw
  • Improve jaw movement
  • Decrease jaw clicking
  • Help the jaw heal

For helpful exercises to manage TMJ ear pain, you must consult with a related health care professional.

TMJ Ear Pain at Night

TMJ symptoms can worsen during the night due to teeth grinding and jaw clenching. These nighttime actions are frequently caused by the body's effort to maintain an open airway during sleep. Ear discomfort linked with TMJ can also be more severe at night or in the morning and can be exacerbated by actions such as chewing or yawning. A majority of TMJ patients have an underlying condition that contributes to the disorder, with mild malocclusion (poor alignment of molar teeth) being the most prevalent factor.

When to Seek Medical Attention?

If you suffering the following symptoms along with ear and jaw pain, it's advisable to seek medical attention from a doctor:
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Changes in hearing or vision
  • Fever or other flu-like symptoms
  • Pain that hinders your everyday activities
  • Disrupts your sleep
  • Continues even after treatments
  • Affects your eating or drinking ability
  • Results in pain or sensitivity in your teeth or gums


In conclusion, TMJ ear pain can be a challenging condition to deal with. The affliction of TMJ ear pain can be a source of considerable discomfort and may hinder everyday activities like eating and sleeping. Notwithstanding, diverse modalities exist for the management of TMJ-related ear pain, encompassing self-care interventions like lifestyle adjustments and jaw exercises, and more invasive medical interventions like pharmacotherapy and surgery, which are generally reserved for refractory cases. It is imperative to promptly seek medical evaluation if the pain endures or co-occurs with concomitant manifestations such as hyperthermia, viral-like symptoms, or dental hypersensitivity. Adequate diagnosis and intervention can alleviate symptoms and enhance the quality of life for most individuals with TMJ ear pain.


What are the sensations associated with ear pain caused by TMJ?

Symptoms of ear pain caused by TMJ may be a constant, throbbing irritation or a sharp, burning pain. Although not always, the pain may intensify with jaw movements. Inflammation and swelling due to TMD can extend to the ear, leading to ear pain.

Will TMJ-related ear pain eventually dissipate?

The good news is that once TMJ disorder is treated, the tinnitus and ear pain will go away.

What is the duration of TMJ-related ear pain?

TMJ symptoms can last for several days to a few weeks.

Is hearing loss a possible complication of TMJ?

TMJ disorder can cause pain in the jaw joints, difficulties with chewing, and joint lockage. In certain cases, it may also result in hearing loss, which isn't always a conspicuous sign of the condition, and many people don't realize the cause until a medical professional tells them.

Is it possible for TMJ to cause a sensation of ear blockage?

Since the TM joint is located adjacent to the ears, it's common to experience various TMJ symptoms in the ears. Patients may feel ear pain or have clogged ears that they mistake for ear infections or allergies, but it is actually due to TMD. TMD can also cause tinnitus, a ringing sound in the ears resulting from nerve irritation.

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